Overlapping plant society memberships

Jane McGary janemcgary@earthlink.net
Sun, 15 Feb 2009 14:00:41 PST
Hello, everyone,

We just had a PBS Board meeting by phone conference this morning, and 
one topic we discussed was the possibility of arranging ways for PBS 
members and potential members to get together in person for 
activities. I suggested that such gatherings could be arranged at 
meetings of larger societies to which many of us belong, much as 
scholars in small subdisciplines sometimes arrange "parasessions" at 
academic meetings of larger disciplines. We're having an informal 
get-together, for instance, at the NARGS Western Winter Study Weekend 
in March, in Portland, Oregon, during the two-hour social period on 
Saturday evening, between the program and the banquet. Several PBS 
members have also told me they'd like to include my bulb collection 
in their tour of the open gardens open during that weekend.

To identify possible sites, I'd like to ask anyone who cares to 
respond to tell me which other plant societies he or she belongs to. 
A list of likely ones appears below. You can check off those to which 
you belong or whose meetings you sometimes attend. You can return 
your response to the list, or, if you prefer, to me privately. Once 
we have an idea what kind of overlap exists, we may be able to plan 
other events.

Another idea we discussed was planning car-pool tours of natural 
areas where interesting geophytes grow. Groups that have done this in 
the American West include the Penstemon Society, Lily Society, and 
SIGNA (Species Iris Group of North America). Usually there are a 
couple of knowledgeable guides, and the group stays in one or more 
inexpensive hotels and travels around for several days, doing 
moderate hikes and lots of photography. Does this appeal?

Thanks much,
Jane McGary

Please indicate which of these societies you belong to, or which 
ones' meetings you sometimes attend even if not a paying member:

Pacific Bulb Society
North American Lily Society
North American Rock Garden Society
International Bulb Society
Daffodil Society
Alpine Garden Society
Scottish Rock Garden Club
Cactus and Succulent Society
Hardy Plant Society (which region?)
Cyclamen Society
Perennial Plant Association
American Iris Society
Native Plant Society (which state/province?)
OTHER -- Please list:

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