I mentioned before that we are trying to form a local bay area group interested in aroids. I presume the members of this wiki would lean toward the tuberous forms like Ariaema, Arum, Amphorphallus, etc. but we'll cover the whole range. The first meeting will be held at the UC Botanical Garden in Berkeley at 1pm Sunday March 8 and all are welcome: paid parking (the lot does not belong to Garden) but otherwise free (no admission charge). For those who attend such meetings to acquire interesting new plants, in addition to what is already available at the Garden, several attendees have indicated that they will bring material from their collection. We will also offer a tour of the Garden collection with a peek 'behind the scene'. A website has even been created at http://www.aroid.org/westcoast/. Everyone welcome. -- Paul Licht, Director Univ. California Botanical Garden 200 Centennial Drive Berkeley, CA 94720 (510)-643-8999 http://botanicalgarden.berkeley.edu/