Phytosanitary certificates and cessation of trade from the U.S. to the EU

Sun, 08 Feb 2009 18:40:53 PST
During this comment period:

"Submissions to the PPQ electronic discussion on evaluating imported
plants for invasive potential. November 27, 2006 - February 28, 2007"

there were many diverse and excellent comments made by a wide range of
parties, all of them sympathetic to our cause more or less. The one
exception was the Nature Conservancy, which took a contrasting view
regarding imported plants. My recollection was that while they did not
take up an entirely negative position, they would favor
Australian-style hyper-regulation regarding imports of new plants.

Unfortunately this comment forum, part of the public record, is not
available on line due to some technical problems apparently. I have a
pdf copy I will be happy to email to anyone on request. My attempts to
forward the link to this list were unsuccessful.

Dylan Hannon

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