Searching the Archives

Mary Sue Ittner
Fri, 06 Feb 2009 16:05:08 PST
The Pacific Bulb Society web page gives instructions for searching the pbs 
archives through Google. After some effort and Byron's post reminded me it 
would be useful to have that information on the list instruction page I've 
added it there. It has always been very hard to add information to our list 
information page and I couldn't add it in a logical order since all of the 
information isn't displaying in the box I was editing, but at least it's 
there now. You can look either place if you can't remember the formula 
which I've posted a number of times to the list.

To search for specific previous messages enter in the Googe Search box the 
following: +[pbs] [search terms] site:///

So if Byron wanted to see posts about Calochortus he'd enter
+[pbs] [Calochortus] site:///
+[pbs] [Calochortus seed] site:///

and he'd get a list of relevant posts.

Mary Sue

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