>From what I've read, these genera are more or less amphibious. I've seen them grown in pots or in water gardens. A local nursery here in the SF Bay Area has them growing to stupendous size in a pond in a covered area open to the air that has maybe 50% shade. They are in a heavy medium (clayey sand) in pots that are then submerged. The heavy medium stays put when submerged. Evidently they are heavy feeders and do well in a rich medium - not sure how to reconcile that with aquatic culture and the need for heavy medium, unless the pond is pretty eutrophic. I've also seen Colocasia growing well in large, glazed ceramic pots (in potting mix) on the north side of a building nearby my place. Last winter the leaves were burned off by frost. They re-grew and they made it through this year's cold snap. I'm looking forward to trying Colocasia outdoors in a large, glazed pot bunged and filled with water. I intend to submerge a tuber in pot of heavy medium as described above. Plant Delights website has some pretty nice cultural information, plus many cultivars for sale. ~Byron