Hi, I am pleased to announce that we have converted the PBS wiki. This has required an incredible amount of time and effort since February 3 and we still have a lot of corrections to make and new instructions to create or modifications to some of the instructions. So I am asking those of you who work on the wiki please not to add anything new until I announce that additions can be made. And please don't try to make corrections unless you have my permission. At the beginning of this process I wasn't sure I wanted to take this on. But in the end I didn't want to lose the wiki down the road and all the hard work that has been put into it. And then helpers appeared so I didn't have to do this all by myself. Thanks are in order. First there was Brian Wendt, a man who advertises that he can be hired to help in installation for pmwiki. He figured out how to get our old wiki working well enough that you could see it, buying us some time to explore alternatives. And he didn't charge us, just helped in the spirit of the Internet and open source software. The next job was researching to find the best wiki software for our needs, one that was free, had good instructions already created by others, and had a group of developers passionately involved on keeping it up to date and still improving it. Nhu Nguyen and David Pilling gave me good advice and helped me evaluate the choices. Nhu tried out the ones I thought might work and pointed out the strengths and weaknesses he found. And David downloaded the software and put in on his server so we could practice there. When I had made my choice, pmwiki, http://www.pmwiki.org/ I joined the users group for that wiki and asked if there was anyone who had converted from php wiki to pm wiki who might be able to suggest ways to do it. I got a private response which turned out to be the biggest source of help of all. A man from Lithuania who likes plants, had the necessary knowledge, skills, and time offered to spend some time figuring out how hard it would be to convert and then if it wasn't too hard, to help me. Since then (February 11) he has put in many hours every day as we emailed back and forth working through all the fixes and patiently explaining sometimes more than once things I needed to know. In addition he redid a number of things when the first way didn't work. One example was the way we do tables on the genera pages. The mark up was a nightmare to look at on the edit screen and he researched pmwiki until he found an alternative way that would be easier. Next I want to thank those people who checked the "test" wiki pages and wrote me what was broken or not working . We have more than 900 of those pages so this was a monumental task. Besides the conversion mistakes, they often found other punctuation, spelling, broken links, and other things that we will need to fix. Many thanks to Dianne Martinelli, Diane Whitehead, Nhu Nguyen, Christiaan van Schalkwyk, Linda Foulis, Jim McKenney, Kathleen Sayce, Dell Sherk, and Jennifer Hildebrand. Nhu and Christiaan have already helped me to start fixing the things that we were unable to convert and have to change by hand. My Lithuanian helper and I did everything we could to preserve our urls as we know that a lot of web pages are linked to our wiki. However we had to rename probably about 800 images. I guess that's not too bad out of about 8500. But those links won't work anymore. So if any of you link to our images, you should check. Most of the images we had to change ended in .JPG instead of .jpg The system we use is case sensitive and pm wiki only allows .jpg files. Finally this wiki has a different way of displaying thumbnails. Most of us who have been looking at them really like them and it is possible once you click on the larger picture to go from picture to picture. All of the thumbnails are square. Most of our images are not square. So the program takes the middle of the picture which if the flower is in the right or left or top or bottom part of the picture, the thumbnail may not show the flower very well. But the larger image will be fine. The thumbnail on my profile page is vertical prompting Christiaan to email me that it appeared I had lost my head. It has felt like that more than once. This group has been very lucky that so many people came forward to volunteer their time and talents in this process. In these trying times, it is nice to have a really good story and outcome to report. Please be patient as we finish the rest of this process. Mary Sue