Off topic: Culinary

Susan B
Tue, 10 Feb 2009 08:23:06 PST
One of you mix looks like Plum Granny…
This is something we came across at our local farm/greenhouse/coop/supply store, it is extremely fragrant (almost cloying so).  The guy there told us they used to use it as an air freshener, before they had things like Glade plug=ins.  I asked him if it was edible, and he looked at me as if I was crazy and said "you can eats it if you want to"  but his demeanor told me I wouldn't like it.
Something of an Appalachian grown plant, I would think.

We've also grown and eaten lemon cucumbers, small yellow round ones that have bristly hair.  Sound bizarre but are quite good.

I don't know the proper botanical names of either, sorry.


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