weather changes

Boyce Tankersley
Tue, 03 Feb 2009 12:29:26 PST
Hi Adam:

We have been recording data as an official National Weather Service
cooperative site since the early 1980's at Chicago Botanic Garden.

You are correct, our proximity to Lake Michigan (a couple of miles to
our east) does mitigate some of the more extreme temperatures IF the
wind is out of the Northeast, East or Southeast. There also appears to
be something of a heat island effect but it is not a pronounced as the
city of Chicago experiences.

The coldest temperature we recorded in January was minus 17 degrees F.

The snowfall in the Chicago region has been really spotty this winter;
up in Lake County where I live the snowfall has been heavier than
reported at CBG.

Boyce Tankersley
Director of Living Plant Documentation
Chicago Botanic Garden
1000 Lake Cook Road
Glencoe, IL 60022
tel: 847-835-6841
fax: 847-835-1635

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