bracteoles - good definition needed
Sun, 30 Sep 2007 09:43:51 PDT
I've never fully understood what bracteoles are, particularly when studying the flowers of Alliums.  Most species of Allium are listed as either bracteolate (with bracteoles at the base of the pedicels) or ebracteolate (without bracteoles).  

I've looked closely at such species as Allium thunbergii, described as bracteolate, using a magnifying glass, and dissecting the floral parts, but I can't really detect anything that looks like minute bracts at the juncture of the pedicels with the stem. Maybe they're just so small, or inobvious, that it is difficult to detect.  I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be looking for.

Can anyone provide a good definition or link to an article that clarifies what floral bracteoles are, with regard to bulbous plants.


Mark McDonough
USDA Zone 5, Massachusetts, USA (New England)
After a hot week (days in the low 90s F), it is finally cooler and more seasonable this weekend.  Lots of Allium thunbergii in bud, in several forms.  Also, the first floret of an Allium identified as Allium aff. flavidum opened up today... most the buds still a number of days away before they'll open, and after a 45 minute study in the Flora of China Allium keys, believe the plant is actually A. maowenense.

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