Hello: I have grown 10 bulbs of the species for two years, this winter should be the third year. They seem to like the mild sun just as other winter rain growing species do. They will lie down at noon in my house in our winter. While the spring, they remain lie down all day. Maybe the sun are too strong for them. I didn't get all of them to flower even the first year, and they are shrink year by year. But in the area which is hotter and southerner to my house, (The tropical Kaoshiung city), there is someone grow the bulbs bigger than when we got them. But still have no flower after the first year. The one grow them majorly in a bright shade area. http://bulb.com/forcing/… A web page for reference. Fierycloud, Taiwan. (USDA Z11+, AHS Z12+) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 杜絕網路駭客,保障帳號安全 - 馬上設定 Yahoo!奇摩安全圖章http://tw.info.yahoo.com/seal/index.html