I quite agree with Cyrtanthus, had dreadful problems here, but also they can be a problem on Amaryllis belladonna, fortunately not much of a problem, not like on Narcissus in this area of the UK. I actually managed to take a picture of the Large Bulb Fly adult last year, horrible looking thing, have included the link. If someone wants to they can upload the image to the wiki somewhere. http://aphotofauna.com/Hoverfly-LBulbFly-25-05-06.… Best Wishes, Dave David Fenwick Snr. The African Garden 96 Wasdale Gardens, Estover, Plymouth, Devon. England. PL6 8TW Tel: 44 (0)1752 301402 NCCPG National Plant Reference Collections of Crocosmia with Chasmanthe, Tulbaghia, Eucomis with Galtonia, Freesia (Anomatheca Group) and Amaryllis Websites The African Garden http://www.theafricangarden.com/ Wildflowers of the Devon and Cornwall Peninsula http://www.aphotoflora.com/ Wildlife of the Devon and Cornwall Peninsula http://www.aphotofauna.com/ Fungi of the Devon and Cornwall Peninsula http://www.aphotofungi.com/