Hello - The discussion about Neomarica plants prompts me to ask a couple of questions. I have had Neomarica gracilis, the so-called Apostle plant bloom and also N. longifolia, which had charming small yellow flowers which last only a day, but has flowers continuing to appear for a few weeks. The longifolia, like gracilis has started to produce small plantlets. I also have two plants of the newer cultivar "Regina" which I have been told will have leaves up to five feet long and much larger flowers. Has anyone had Regina mature and bloom for them?If so, what was the height of the plant and were the flowers larger than either gracilis or longifolia? Since I live in a rental property I am growing these plants in 14" clay pots now and realize that may well affect their ultimate height. The leaves are about 30" long now. Any information you could provide to me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Paul L. Crawley Greenwood, SC 29646