Howdy All, I need some brain-picking of experience please? What is the best time to try to change hemisphere for bulbs and corms? Is it sending them straight after they go into dormancy, or is it best to give them some "summer" (or winter in the opposite case) before sending them to the recipient? Or is it better to wait until they are just starting to resume growth and send them then, so that they can grow and then work out their new hemisphere? I am particularly thinking things like Crocus, Fritillaria, Galanthus, Tecophilea and the like (to give a few examples). Due to my continuing crappy health I am very much behind in sending traded plants to people and I am now wondering whether I should just wait until late spring (for most of the examples I just used) and send them straight after they have gone into dormancy, or whether now would be OK, with root growth commenced and signs of activity with the bulbs? I have had experiences in the past where recipients have lost bulbs in both situations, and I am guessing that the handling at their end makes a great deal of difference as well, but I am just trying to do the best at this end to give the bulbs as good a chance as possible. Also, does the fact that I tend to have hot and lengthy summers affect that shift at all? There are specifically a couple of recipients I want to send to in Germany, and I know that their summers are not as hot as mine, so I am thinking that their summer may initially be treated, by the moving bulb or corm, more like a spring or autumn here and therefore not as stressful for them and therefore not force them back into dormancy as quickly? I have seen various different recommendations on the Net as to when, but I thought I would like to hear some of the thoughts of the experienced collectors we have here from other countries who do not have our quarantine laws, and therefore may have shifted bulbs over hemisphere and have found out what has worked for them. If you'd prefer to send privately then go for it, but I am thinking that there may be others here on the list who would be interested in the collective experiences as well. If I take a while to respond to anyone then I apologise profusely. It usually means that my CFS has stopped me using the computer much. I'll try to catch up with emails as soon as I can. Thanks you all very much in anticipation of any advice you can give me re timing and helping with changing hemispheres. Cheers. Paul Tyerman Canberra, Australia - USDA Zone Equivalent approx. 8/9 Growing an eclectic collection of plants from all over the world including Aroids, Crocus, Cyclamen, Erythroniums, Fritillarias, Galanthus, Irises, Trilliums (to name but a few) and just about anything else that doesn't move!!