A friend sent this peony image to me; she was under the impression that it showed Paeonia tenuifolia. It's not one of the wild forms of Paeonia tenuifolia, but it does look like a hybrid of Paeonia tenuifolia or perhaps a form or hybrid of P. anomala. Take a look here: http://jimmckenney.com/unidentified__paeonia__hybr… Can anyone suggest a better identification? Thanks for your help. Jim McKenney jimmckenney@jimmckenney.com Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7 where Iris verna and Iris cristata forms are blooming as are the early peonies. My Virtual Maryland Garden http://www.jimmckenney.com/ Webmaster Potomac Valley Chapter, NARGS Editor PVC Bulletin http://www.pvcnargs.org/ Webmaster Potomac Lily Society http://www.potomaclilysociety.org/