Hi, We've had discussions of Neomarica in the past and Jim Waddick had raised . . . Last week, I went to one of the local nurseries and saw that they were selling large pots of an irid labeled "Iris Neomarica" It was midday and hot, so the flowers had already faded. The sad remnants of the flowers looked like they might have been yellow originally. The leaves and plants were large (3 ft) - the only Neomarica sp I have ever bloomed was the white with purple and brownish markings "walking iris," whichever one that is, and it was only about 1 foot tall. I feel sure that the plant that they were selling would not survive outdoors here, and it was certainly too large for most indoor locations. But it is not atypical for nurseries to sell things that they do not know anything about. I'll try to get back and get a photo of the flowers. Dell Dell Sherk, SE Pennsylvania, Zone 6/7