>From Chen Yi in China, I have a single flowering stem of Fritillaria unibracteata over the past week. It has taken 4-5 years to finally flower. I'm suspicious of the identity of anything from Chen Yi, as experience has shown most plants purchased from her establishment are misidentified. Here a a few photo links (taken near dusk with a flash). The first photo shows the leaves from two bulbs; one has a single broad lanceolate leaf (non-flowering plant), and the 2nd one has a 10-12" tall stem, with two whorls of 3 very narrow leaves, an upper whorl of two leaflets, then a single vertical bract at the crook of the flowering stem. Certainly appears to fit the name, uni-bract-wise. Any one know this species, does it look like the right thing? http://plantbuzz.com/buzz/… The next two shots are close-ups of the tubular flowers. This first shows the outside, a dark chocolate color, and the other photo shows the interior, a bright lime-gold color heavily speckled with brownish red. http://plantbuzz.com/buzz/… http://plantbuzz.com/buzz/… Mark McDonough antennaria@aol.com http://www.plantbuzz.com/ Massachusetts, USA (near the New Hampshire border) ________________________________________________________________________ AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.