Hi, Every few years I ask the same question. I keep asking hoping some day someone will have an answer. Right now blooming in my greenhouse are four or five pots of Phaedranassa. They bloom well every year as I give them a dormant period. Often they bloom at different times but this year they have been blooming at the same time although some pots started earlier and individual plants in those pots have bloomed already while others are coming on. They all look so much alike to me even though I obtained seed labeled P. cinerea, P. chloraea, and P. carmioli. Some of the pots grown from the seed of P. camioli have a faint yellow band between the "red" and green, but not all. I think if I had to describe them I'd think carmine red. They don't strike me as what I think of as crimson or coral. I'd love to know what they are. There must be a better way to tell them apart than by color. Please help. Here's the June 2004 post: http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbslist/old.php/… P. chloraea doesn't seem to be a valid name so I guess I can discard that. Kew has a P. carmiolii , but most others seem to spell it with one i. This reminds me of our long discussion about color a number of years ago and how when I was compiling people's favorite bulbs by color the same plant was considered a favorite in different colors since not everyone's idea of what is blue, purple, pink, orange is the same. From John Bryan's Bulbs: P. carnioli (notice another spelling) tubular, pendent, green at base and mouth, bright crimson between P. cinerea coral pink with white base and green tips P. dubia -- pendent, purple rose tipped with green P. tunguraguae - flowers coral red with green tips When Diana Chapman did the topic of the week on Phaedranassa for me when I was doing it for IBS she wrote: "The genus Phaedranassa (Amaryllidaceae) includes nine species, six of which are found only in Ecuador, the remaining three being from Colombia, Costa Rica and Peru. They are largely montane species, where they grow in disturbed areas, often colonizing road cuts, and usually coming into bloom after the dry summer season in their native lands. These beautiful bulbs are characterized by having petiolated leaves which can be a glossy green, greyish-green, or covered in a dusty bloom. The flowers are produced in an umbel, most species having large tubular pink or red flowers that are variously banded in green, with anywhere from five or six flowers to fourteen or fifteen to an umbel. The exception in color is P. viridiflora, which has yellow flowers, also banded in green at the base of the floral tube, as well as the tepal tips. There are some outstanding photographs on the IBS Gallery of Bulbs. P. brevifolia - Ecuador. Described as having tepals that are rose-pink with a yellow adaxial stripe. P. glauciflora - Ecuador. Flowers light salmon-pink. P. dubia - Ecuador. (This is also known as P. chloracra). Deep pink flowers, banded green at the tips with a narrow yellow band near the ovary. P. schizantha - Ecuador. Leaves are glaucous with a dusty bloom to the scape and flower also. Flowers are orange or rose, banded green distally. There are two varieties, var. schizantha and var. ignea. P. viridiflora - ? This was described as coming from Peru originally, but has never been re-collected in Peru, and probably is also Ecuadorean. This one has lovely flowers, banded in green and yellow, with a wider more bell-shaped flower. P. cinerea - Ecuador. Flowers are deep rose pink banded green at the tepal tips, the colors being separated by a narrow band of yellow. The underside of the leaves in this species is silvery. P. tunguraguae - Ecuador. Flowers are deep coral pink. This is very similar in appearance to P. dubia There is a Phaedranassa in circulation called P. carmioli, supposedly collected in Costa Rica, but this, as far as I can gather, is not considered a valid name, and is probably P. dubia." I am assuming that if P. carmioli is suspect I can narrow the ones I have down to being P. dubia, P. cinerea, or P. tunguraguae. If I did a Google image search for Phaedranassa. My leaves are all green and very similar, but I suppose the one from seed labeled P. cinerea is a bit more silver underneath as is the one labeled P. chlorea than the P. carmioli. If you look at pictures on our wiki page: http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/… or Telos's page: http://www.telosrarebulbs.com/SAmerica1.html or even in a Google image search the color shown for a lot of these is very similar and there are pictures out there of P. dubia that I can't see any yellow in at all. Mary Sue