snails & slugs & birds
Thu, 15 Mar 2007 22:23:54 PDT
Last year and again  this winter we had something attacking our  re blooming 
iris and chewing big chunks out of the petals, my  husband mentioned snails 
but after checking i thought it was earwigs but  that didn't seem right either.  
The mystery was solved when we actually saw  a Spotted Towhee sitting on top 
of a huge bloom happily eating away.  The  Spotted Towhee is so pretty we just 
accept that we loose the iris blossoms to it  during the winter months.
A few years back, we thought we had been visited by wild hogs, the garden  
was so disrupted.  a few mornings later we were up as the sun came up and  saw 
hundreds of robins in our garden and plants flying through the air in every  
direction.  We would not have believed Robins could do so much damage if we  had 
not seen it happen.

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