Adaptable Juno irises

James Waddick
Wed, 14 Mar 2007 18:29:28 PDT
Dear Jane,
	Your coincidental remarks about 'Sindpers' allows me to 
extoll the virtues of 'easy' Junos here.

	I grow all mine outdoors year round in mostly raised beds.

	Although 'Sindpers' is a fairly recent addition, it supposed 
reverse 'Warlsind', has been here longer. It is somewhat less 
vigorous, and striking in flower.
	My most vigorous Junos must be I magnifica in various forms 
from "Alba' to "Agalik' and various seedlings. It multiplies fast and 
has in good years reached almost 30 inches in height. Some planted in 
a slightly protected spot have self sown and seedlings bloom 

	Equally or more vigorous is I. willmottiae (willmottiana) or 
other horticultural names. A shorter plant with pure white flowers, I 
have had to dig and divide on a regular basis when it expands in on 
other plants.

	Although I bucharica was my first Juno, I cannot keep it in 
the garden, although there may still be a small clump 'out back'. I 
graeberiana in its various forms does OK, survives and blooms, but is 
not a fast multiplier.

	I have a few others, but these are definitely the most 
adaptable. Top of my wish list is I rosenbachiana. I just got a note 
from Panayoti Kelaidis that Denver BG has planted a small lawn of 
this species after they had such good luck with a larger 'lawn' of I 
bucharica.  So it goes in Denver!

	I think Junos remain under appreciated and grown. I wish more 
were totally hardy here and I suspect the less vigorous ones are 
simply closer to the 'edge' of hardiness.

	Anyone else suggest some really hardy Junos.?

		Best 		Jim W.

Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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