Thanks for the North Carolina update, Jay! As a matter of fact, I was browsing the wiki last week and noticed your new Narcissus images before you announced them. They are very colorful, much more so than the same cultivars as I grow them here. The temperature perhaps explains that - by the time these bloom here we are generally getting days with temps up into the 70s and even briefly 80s F. Years ago I had a sort of daffodil epiphany as I was helping at a big daffodil show. I was assigned to assist an important exhibitor who had flown in from the UK with a suitcase full of daffodils in bloom. I'll never forget the scene when she opened the suitcase: she was surrounded by experienced growers and exhibitors, and to the last one they let out gasps of surprise and amazement - and, no doubt, dismay as they mentally compared their own relatively puny daffs to those in that suitcase. The size and color were amazing: I've never seen locally grown daffodils so big, so vividly colored, so seemingly fat and sassy. At that time, my own daffodil growing experience had made me very skeptical of the photographs in daffodil catalogs: my daffodils never had the vivid colors shown there. Seeing the daffodils in that suitcase made me a believer - although it didn't do a thing to improve my home-grown plants. And isn't Veronica 'Georgia Blue' an amazing color! It's great with anything yellow or red, and luckily very easy - a great companion plant for many bulbs. Jim McKenney Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where Narcissus cantabricus "clusii type" is beginning to open. My Virtual Maryland Garden Webmaster Potomac Valley Chapter, NARGS Editor PVC Bulletin Webmaster Potomac Lily Society