OT: cool bamboo beans-Hamamelis

aaron floden aaron_floden@yahoo.com
Mon, 26 Mar 2007 09:55:01 PDT
 What is even more fascinating is the new Hamamelis
species published in the current issue of Sida (the
Arundinaria was published last year in Sida). Having
seen it in the wild I can say it is quite different
from the 'cane' in Missouri and Arkansas, and the rest
of the midwest.

 It seems the new Hamamelis may be the long lost
macrophylla, but is given the name ovalis. 

 Sorry to be off-topic.

 Aaron Floden

--- Dennis Kramb <dkramb@badbear.com> wrote:

> This is totally OT, but it was utterly fascinating
> to me to learn 
> that there are native bamboo varieties in North
> America... let alone 
> the Appalachian Mountains.   Where's the American
> Panda Bear 
> then?!?!  Ya gotta love 'dem bears.  :-)

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