snails & slugs

Carolyn Fra
Wed, 14 Mar 2007 16:19:24 PDT
That's exactly what I do; I have to go outside with my two lil dogs anyway.


-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Thomas Glavich
Sent: Thursday, 15 March 2007 1:30 AM
To: Pacific Bulb Society
Subject: Re: [pbs] snails & slugs

I have found that going out around 9 at night with a plastic bag and
flashlight is a great way to find and remove both slugs and snails,
particularly if it is damp and a little foggy.  You can pick them up. They
are not poisonous, they won't bite back. Slugs are just a little bit slimy,
and then only on the bottom.  Just pick them up (bare fingers work just
great!), put them in the plastic bag, and when you are done, tie a not and
throw it in the trash.  If you do this regularly for a week or two, no
poisons, no no chemicals, no grapefruit, hardly any slugs or snails.  The
slime washes off easily with any soap.  The second night is easier than the
first.  It is a real organic solution.


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