Hippeastrum miniatum

Doug Westfall eagle85@flash.net
Tue, 27 Mar 2007 21:24:25 PDT
> Alberto,

The system is rather easy.

Take the pollen from a "related" flower (in this case, another 
Hippeastrum), place it in a micro-wave for 20 seconds (this kills the 
reproductive properties of the "donor" pollen), mix it with the pollen 
of the flower that you wish to produce seeds.  Apply the mixed pollen 
to the desired flower and it will cause the flower to receive its own 

Now this seems a little fantastic, but it was recommended to me, I 
tried it on Sprekelia howardii and it worked. I had tried for several 
years to pollinate Sprekelia howardii without success. Since I am not a 
Botanist of a geneticist, that is all that I can tell you - it worked.

It is certainly worth a try! Give it a go and let me know if it works 
for you.  I will be trying it again this year.

Best of luck,


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