rainlilies and wetness

Susan Hayek susanann@sbcglobal.net
Thu, 07 Sep 2006 15:27:04 PDT
At 10:40 AM -0400 9/6/06, James Yourch wrote:
>Hi all,
>We recently had a discussion about how some rainlilies (especially Z.
>candida and kin) enjoy moist soils, even wet feet.  Here is an article
>about going one step further, growing rainlilies in your pond!

**At our local garden center, in their water garden section, they 
have Z. candida sitting in the water. I was worried about rot.

susan hayek, North Coast of CA, USA, zone 9b, Sunset zone 17.
15 miles south of Eureka, CA, overlooking the Eel River, with a peek 
of the ocean.

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