Hello All, I was extremely surprised and happy to see Rhodophiala Bifida (from a previous PBX) flowering in my garden this morning. I planted it last fall, mulched it for the winter and hoped for the best. I also planted two Eucomis (locally available clones) last fall and they also flowered…with a vengeance. I had them in pots for a few years and over wintered them in the basement totally dry. After a discussion on the PBS last year, I decided to plant them and see if they would come back…boy did they ever…they never looked better. They seem to like being planted in the ground rather than in pots even in my cold climate. Last summer I also planted two large bulbs of Hippeastrum Johnsonii (from E-Bay – grower in Texas) and not only did it flower nicely but the leaves are huge (about 2 ½ feet long!!!). I have two Nerine Sarniensis hybrids (from Odyssey Bulbs) that survived the winter and is now putting out strong leaf growth. The bulbs were rather small so I think it may be a few years before they flower. There are three clumps of Nerine Bowdenii that seem to be offsetting quite nicely and one of the clumps have been around for many years (+15 years). Hopefully I’ll get a few blooms this year before the frost lulls them to sleep. I planted three Amaryllis Belladonna bulbs (also locally available clones) in the spring of 2005 in the sunniest possible spot of my garden. They actually made through the winter to my wonderful surprise. This spring they put out very strong leaf growth and as expected, the leaves died down in early summer but no flowers (sigh). These were dormant dry (stressed out) bulbs so it may take some time before they acclimatize and hopefully flower. Time will tell and I’ll keep y’all posted. Warm Regards, Fred Biasella Cambridge (Boston) MA USDA Zone 6b