American Fritillaria in plunge bed

Jim McKenney
Wed, 06 Sep 2006 18:37:06 PDT
In an earlier post I came down pretty dogmatically against summering
American frits in a plunge bed here on the east coast. 

While poking around in the garden yesterday, I realized that I have already
done essentially that - and with good results. 

But the frit in question is Fritillaria camtschatcensis. I checked it
yesterday and it's fine. It's not really in a plunge bed, but it is exposed
to the rain and humidity. 

This plant is probably of Japanese provenance, not North American
provenance, so technically I have not yet successfully summered a North
American frit outside, exposed to summer rain. 

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where there are enough rice
grains on that frit bulb to start a little cottage industry. 

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