Yay! And when is this issue scheduled to be sent out (for those of us not foreign seed donors)? I went to the APHIS/PPQ website earlier this week to see if they had any information there yet. After searching all over I've concluded that they hadn't updated the website with information or forms for this yet, although I did see an unlinked link about it on one of the pages. (I also tried to sign up for the electronic submission of forms and the final step requires one to show up in person at a USDA office that accepts this kind of verification with government ID in hand. Unfortunately, the two listed for people living in Los Angeles County are far away from the metropolitan area. And they have to be visited during weekday business hours, making this a really bothersome, if not somewhat difficult, step to accomplish for the likes of me.) --Lee Poulsen Pasadena, California, USA, USDA Zone 10a On May 6, 2006, at 9:16 AM, Jane McGary wrote: > Joyce Fingerut of NARGS, who has been > instrumental in getting these new regulations through the > bureaucracy, has > written a detailed article on the subject for the summer 2006 issue > of the > Rock Garden Quarterly. I (editor of that journal) can send a copy > privately > (NOT FOR REPRODUCTION) before the issue appears to foreign seed > donors who > need it.