Hi Lee, With Tecophileas, whenever I've had seed it has germinated just fine and the babies have pretty much all survived to maturity. They have taken longer to get to flowering size than I would like, but I don't feed them as much as maybe I could. They are prone to rot if they have too much water at the wrong time, maybe this is where your seedlings went? It is one of those plants that can disappear en masse when they seem to have been sailing along merrily for many years. Contrary to some advice, I keep mine completely dry (but shaded) from late May to mid-September and am very sparing with the water until foliage is evident in early-mid winter. Those I have rotted have gone away because I've been too heavy handed in the fall with the water. Colchicum luteum and kesselringii are very different beasts to each other, although there's no obvious reason why they should be. (Here) C. luteum is a lousy grower as mature bulbs, barely persisting in most forms (in pots and the garden), although I have a couple that have flowered for two consecutive years. That is a major success. I've sown lots of seed batches and had nary a seedling. Seedlings have been lucky to come above ground their second year. In contrast C. kesselringii is very easy, inside or out, the bulbs flower reliably and build up vegetatively. It is also very easy from seed, even very dry seed, germinating 100% the year after sowing. It is the easiest of all the Colchicums from seed. Virtually all the seedlings make mature bulbs in 3-4 years. I must have 100 mature bulbs from seed that are now in sand beds in the garden. John T Lonsdale PhD 407 Edgewood Drive, Exton, Pennsylvania 19341, USA Home: 610 594 9232 Cell: 484 678 9856 Fax: 801 327 1266 Visit "Edgewood" - The Lonsdale Garden at http://www.edgewoodgardens.net/ USDA Zone 6b