As a few of you know, I've been accumulating a (very small) list of those plants (not just geophytes) that have flowers whose color falls in the cyan range of the spectrum. Other names for colors in this range are teal, aqua, aquamarine, blue-green, turquoise. It is a very striking color to see in a flower and the South Africans have two bulbs that appear on this list: Lachenalia viridiflora and Ixia viridiflora. A couple of other plants whose flowers are this color and look almost unreal are the Chilean bromeliad Puya alpestris and the tropical vine Strongylodon macrobotrys. I was slowly thumbing through that new Iris book I mentioned a little while ago, and in the chapter on Pacific Coast Hybrids, in the description for the species Iris munzii, it described their typical color range and then said: "..., but in cultivation they can be turquoise to deep sky blue." These two colors are often what some people will use when trying to describe the color cyan. So my cyan-flower alert went off, and I decided to ask this knowledgeable group if they have seen these flowers and if what the author is describing here might be a cyan colored Iris? Does anyone have photos of it or know where there might be photos of this on the web? Is it cyan enough to include in the cyan-colored-flower list? Thanks, --Lee Poulsen Pasadena, California, USDA Zone 10a