Gymnospermium in distress: help!

Jim McKenney
Sun, 19 Mar 2006 14:41:20 PST
Gymnospermium altaicum, which emerged with strength and has been above
ground for weeks, is showing a problem. The foliage, which is distinctly
glaucous, has taken on a vaguely yellow tinge. 

I take that as a sign of root distress. I dumped the plant out of its pot
yesterday and noticed that the potting medium was soggy. Evidently I made a
big mistake when I prepared the potting mix. I remember using my usual lean
mix but amending it with some peat or loam for this plant: Big mistake!

The tuber and roots seem OK, but the roots are short. Here's something
interesting: the soil around the tuber when it was turned out - and the
tuber itself - felt distinctly warm to the touch. Are these plants like some
aroids: do they generate their own heat?

The plant was repotted in a very lean mix, roughly 4/5 crushed granite and
1/5 organic material to hold some moisture. Some powdered dolomite was

The foliage looks worse today. Was it a mistake to repot it now? Do these
plants tolerate root disturbance when in growth? 

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where evidently I don't need
the weather to kill my plants. I do quite well on my own, thank you.  

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