Today in my garden

aaron floden
Thu, 30 Mar 2006 17:33:32 PST
 I use a cheap generic brand that are scented. Some
people claim it is the static charge(?) that keeps the
deer at bay. Not quite sure how. I would say it is the
scent. Either way, it works for me.  
 I had used soap for a while, but the deer started
eating that! I guess it wasn't completely scent that
detered them. 


--- Linda Foulis <>

 what brand do you use?  Does it matter?  I
> use scentless due to
> allergies, bet they
> wouldn't work?
> They're are 5 or so deer that frequent my yard and
> I'm
> trying to determine the least expensive yet quickest
> way to keep them away
> from my
> plants.
> Linda
> Okotoks, AB
> Canada

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