Judy, If there is nothing else to eat voles even eat Narcissus bulbs (only Sternbergia reamlined untouched). In the past I had great problems with this particular pest. To ,the extend that I planted most of my bulbs in wire netting. With the flooding they all disappeared, some came back, but they are not (yet) causing serious problems. It might be because of the l ft layer of new sandy soil which was deposited by the floods, which might be unsuitable to sustain permanent tunnels. I am well aware that this happy situation can change rapidly. Merry Christmas greetings from the South of France Lauw de Jager Bulb'Argence Mas d'Argence 30300 Beaucaire Email: dejager@bulbargence.com http//.http://www.bulbargence.com/ In general: anything in the Amaryllidaceae, such as the Narcissus Terry mentioned, also Galanthus, etc. are not eaten above or below ground. Anything in the Araceae, including Arisaema, Arum, Arisarum, and so on are not eaten above or below ground. Canna are not eaten above ground but voles will eat the rhizomes. Ranunculaceae - I grow Anemone blanda, A. flaccida, A. nemorosa, A. ranunculoides and have not notices any predation above or below ground. Fritillaria are untouched above and below ground: F. imperialis and F. meleagris increasing nicely, F. pallidiflora holding its own but not increasing. Hyacinths apparently not eaten out in the garden which is interesting as potted bulbs in the garage for forcing are gnawed by mice. Chionodoxa, Muscari, Pushkinia, Scilla all appear to be pest-resistant both above and below ground.