A couple of things that are pertinent to previous threads on the list showed up in a couple of newsletters I received in the past couple of days. --Lee Poulsen Pasadena, California, USDA Zone 10a From the newsletter from Old House Gardens <http://www.oldhousegardens.com/> Bulbs in Art at the NYBG If you like bulbs, art, and history, here's a December treat you won't want to miss. Thanks to our friends Deirdre Larkin and Bevan Davies for the tip. Bevan writes: "I have to tell you about this exhibit I saw yesterday: 'Buried Treasures: The Art and Nature of Bulbs.' Like so many good things in New York, it's hidden in an out-of-the-way place, the Mertz Library at the New York Botanical Garden. It consists of dozens of stunning images of tulips, lilies, gladiolus, and other bulbs selected from three centuries of the library's rare books and artwork. My favorite print depicted 'broken' tulips of an unimaginable beauty, and I came home inspired to grow some of your true broken tulips in my own garden." From the newsletter from Nichols Garden Nursery <http://www.nicholsgardennursery.com/> Catalogs are being mailed. We have over 60 new seed varieties for 2007, an all time record. It is our eclectic blend of new and unusual, heirlooms and the best of modern breeding. ...Because of so many mergers in the seed industry, we are growing much of our own seed and relying on small local growers more than ever. We think it is good for our business, and good for our customers because it allows access to wonderful varieties that are not in the seed industry.