Manfreda and Polianthes

James Waddick
Sun, 03 Dec 2006 12:02:13 PST
Dear All;
	I am glad to hear these comments on both Polianthes and Manfreda.

	I admit to some off-PBS communications and I can share some info.

	The author, Dr. Jon Lindstrom has prepared a further article 
that will appear in  the 2006 Sounthern Nursery Association Research 
Conference Proceedings. This has not been published, but he describes 
various inter generic hybrids between involving 5 species and forms 
of Manfreda and 3 of Polianthes. These include a variety of F1 
hybrids and some interesting intra - generic crosses too.

	These hybrids show some remarkable intermediate properties, 
but the most intriguing are plants with the form of M. virginica, but 
flowers in white to pink and orange with the flower form of 
Polianthes and a pleasant fragrance.  If you have ever been 'trapped' 
in a room of cut P. tuberosa you'd appreciate a less intense 

	Some of these are also being propagated by various means from 
division to tissue culture, so it seems likely that some will appear 
at a nursery near you one of these days.

	One of his crosses involves a species of Manfreda with purple 
spotted/blotched foliage that is maintained in a Polianthes cross.

	I find this very exciting work especially since it involves 
potentially hardy new flower forms for my area.

	I hope that Dr. Lindstrom might be encouraged to share more 
of his picture and text to PBS.

	I'd love to hear more about growing Polianthes outside in 
cooler climates.

	AND PLEASE (PLEASE) I wish everyone would add a signature 
line of where they are located ( Stae, city, country USDA Zone, 
something)  so I can understand how it grows 'here' where ever your 
'here' is located.

		Thanks	Jim W.
Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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