Well Jim...and others in the cold parts.... I can't tell much about delectables growing here, because you're about 2 weeks ahead of me. Scilla siberica blooming all over the place. Daffodil hybrids up and opening. Some kind of Erythronium in bud;Trillium erectum just up and leafing out along with Asarum canadense; most everything else underground still, except for a few early tulips and Fritillaria michailowsky. Tree peonies leafing out and showing buds. Arisaemas that I've had under lights (from Chen Yi this year) will be moved out this week and next--all of which are breaking or about to break dormancy. Pinellia cordata showing the beginnings of a second leaf (indoors). I put out two large Hymenocallis orientalis plants (3" diameter bulbs with leaves 2" wide and already about 16" long which I got with full root systems and tops from Mississippi (eBay) packed in wet newspaper and a couple of plastic bags) Some of these backyard gardeners do a beautiful job, and she sent me the plant packed according to my directions. I expect no transplanting shock. The bulb I bought as F. persica 'Adiyaman' has for the third year now put up stems with no capability for flower buds on them. I am now suspicious of most Dutch dealers who spend lots of money on advertising, unless they ae actually growers instead of brokers. My garden tags will now carry the source of the bulb so that I can complain about inferior merchandise. Adam Fikso in Glenview, IL Z5a