Hymenocallis occidentalis; was RE: Spring Flowers outdoors and Hymenocallis in the Greenhouse

Jim McKenney jimmckenney@starpower.net
Wed, 12 Apr 2006 09:04:41 PDT
Jim Shields mentioned Hymenocallis occidentalis. 

I have two of these which were obtained two years ago. They have been in
pots since then, protected in the winter in a cold frame. Evidently, that's
not at all necessary in this climate.

I want to plant these into the ground and let them go on their own. I'm also
tempted to put one of the two in the bog trays to see what happens. 

What would be optimum conditions for this species? The bulbs when acquired
were about the size of big peas, if that. I don't know how big they are now,
but the emerging foliage is about a third of an inch wide. How big do they
have to be before they bloom?  

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where Trillium, Erythronium,
Fritillaria, Dichelostemma, Ipheion, Muscari, Tulipa, Narcissus, Dicentra,
Hacquetia, Epimedium, Symphytum, Pulmonaria, Phlox, Viola, Iris, Aquilegia,
Paeonia, Ornithogalum, Primula, Lithodora, Cardamine, Allium, Asarum,
Scoliopus, Corydalis, Hepatica, Ranunculus, Anemone, Hyacinthus, and
Bellevalia all have representatives in bloom; the first Calochortus might
open this afternoon.  My cup runneth every which way!


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