Tulipa clusiana/batalinii/etc.

Susan Hayek susanann@sbcglobal.net
Wed, 26 Apr 2006 18:57:05 PDT
So trying to avoid Holland bulbs and buy from small companies, where 
do I find T. clusiana and T.batalinii? I have some of each from Mary 
Sue and would like more.
I have bulbs from Telos and need to find more companies in the U.S. 
where I don't feel like I'm supporting a large corporation.


>Mr. Poulson is right, T. clusiana and cult. are extremely easy and rewarding
>here in southern California. Clay, loam whatever they do well. The only time
>they seem to suffer is when I  forget where they are and over plant.
>Terence Hernstrom

susan hayek, North Coast of CA, USA, zone 9b, Sunset zone 17.
15 miles south of Eureka, CA, overlooking the Eel River, with a peek 
of the ocean.

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