watering fall bulbs

Carol Jensen jorna@mobilixnet.dk
Tue, 06 Sep 2005 14:29:54 PDT
At 21:05 06-09-2005, Marie-Paule wrote:
>Hello all,
>At this moment in Belgium the crocus saffron are offered in the garden centres,I have just planted my bulbs in full ground.and at this moment we still have teperatures of 27 dg.Celcius(80.6 farh.)en perhaps get a little rain the first coming days,I hope.My other crocus called waterlily,already are open a couple of days,in spite of dryness,but they stand under a tree.I give no water I hope that nature do it for me.It is not much information,but I'm a little afraid,because You are all experience garden men or woman.

Well, Marie-Paule, here in Denmark we expect 26C tomorrow. I do water outdoor plants when it doesn't rain for a week or 10 days. I have no hose, well I do have hoses, but nothing to hook them up to, so I water with milk cartons, the same as I do indoors. I always have at least 12 milk cartons, rinsed and filled with cold water, which becomes room temperature  by the time I need them.

So late in the year, even though we still have warm weather, we get quite a bit of dew in the evening, so all my outdoor tomatoes are very satisfied. It may not be like that in Belgium, but you could check at 9 P.M. to see if dew has fallen. If not, I would water.


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