Jim, Anything outside gets what nature delivers in the form of rainfall. I assume your saffron crocus are in the ground? Mine here won't flower for at least another month. I never water dormant bulbs outside, unless they are tolerant and happen to be interplanted with something that screams for water from a hose. The frequency and amount of rainfall determines the flowering time here, and this year is and will continue to be late because we are so dry, albeit not baking hot anymore. Regarding bulbs in pots, I water newly potted cyclamen seedlings as soon as they are potted up, anytime from the beginning of August onwards. They are fine with this. Anything else gets a first watering sometime in the first 2-3 weeks of September, but definitely not before the daytime temps are firmly in the low 80s and at night it gets into the high 50s and low 60s. Compost around newly repotted bulbs wets much better than compost in pots not repotted, so that it is important to regularly 'soak' the non-repotted pots several times over a few days to get to the same moisture level as in those that were repotted. If you don't do this you end up with a bunch of things much drier than they like to be. Once the compost in everything is well wetted, I back off considerably and don't water again until they are on the dry side. J. On Tue, 6 Sep 2005 10:17:21 -0500 James Waddick <jwaddick@kc.rr.com> wrote: >Freinds; > Does this include watering for Saffron crocus? I am >expecting > flowers soon, but also awaiting some more rain. Should I >water? > It is a bit early. > > Best Jim W.