The crocus season does not end so abruptly on the Pacific coast as in Jim Waddick's Missouri garden. After about a week of frosty nights here, crocuses are still attractive in the garden: C. speciosus (near the end of its bloom), C. ochroleucus, C. cartwrightianus, C. goulimyi, C. medius, C. serotinus, and C. hadriaticus all recover well after temperatures of about 28 F. In the bulb frame there are many others, some of which will eventually be trialed outdoors. SOon C. laevigatus (which has been surprisingly hardy in the open) will begin blooming. The frosty nights are accompanied by clear days, unusual in the Pacific Northwest at this time of year, and the fall color is especially good this year. Among the fallen leaves, various Arum species are pushing up their foliage, and the tips of some daffodil leaves are showing above ground. Some of the Narcissus cantabricus and N. bulbocodium forms have well-developed leaves already. The fall-flowering narcissi were particularly good this year; perhaps they enjoyed the minute boost of moisture they got when being repotted around the end of July. Jane McGary Northwestern Oregon, USA