Crocus thomasii fragrance

Jim McKenney
Mon, 07 Nov 2005 05:59:11 PST
While photographing crocus yesterday I noticed that the fragrance of Crocus
thomasii is very nice. In addition to the saffron/honey fragrance expected
from a crocus of the saffron group, there is a sprightly note of hyacinth!
This makes it the most deliciously fragrant crocus I know. 

Temperatures yesterday were well up into the 70s F, and that may have had
something to do with the intense fragrance. When I checked the plants later
in the day close to sunset when the temperature had dropped a bit, the
fragrance was much less intense.

Jim McKenney 
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where I'm still waiting for
another fragrant crocus, C. longiflorus, to bloom. 

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