At 23:00 08-11-2005, James Waddick wrote: >Dear All; > The only Hymenocallis I have grown is the old Ismene/ Yellow >Queen or whatever. > Winter care is easy- pull them up and throw them in the basement. > But due to the generosity of various folks including readers >of this list, I have 4 different more traditional Hymenocallis from >Tropical Giant down in size. All have been in pots and standing in an >inch of water. Last week a light frost tipped all the foliage. Now >they need some more serious winter care. > > Can I let these dry off totally? > Just keep the pot frost free and not water? > Do they need any light? > Or? > Appreciate recommendations from cold climate growers. What >works the best? > > Thanks Jim W. I have the one ismene and put it into winter dormancy the 17th of September (much too early - it was still summer!). I will take it out next Saturday. I put all my stuff under cardboard boxes. I don't water the week or so before, in other words I make sure they are really dried out before I put them into the dark and cold for a few weeks. You can also give them light and a tiny bit of water. They just will need the 10C-50F temperature for a while. Two months is what I've read, but my hippeastrums get only 3-4 weeks of the low temperature and do fine. I do it this way (cardboard boxes, etc.) because I have a house and also because I need space in the window sills in winter, when it is dark. The hippeastrum don't need sun to flower, luckily - they do just fine in the middle of the room! I THINK (but am not sure) that one week of solid 50-55F is enough for all these plants in their dormancy. But if you give them light, they also need some water, perhaps once a month. Carol