John Grimshaw really skimmed the cream, but here are some others which deserve consideration: Dutch Bulbs and Gardens, text by Una Silberrad and Sophie Lyall, paintings by Mima Nixon, 1909, London, Adam and Charles Black Van Oosten, Dutch Gardener, 1703: I've never seen this, but Mrs. Wilder mentions it several times and the title at least must be known to many readers who would be glad to see the actual book. If you stick to the 1910 deadline, you'll have to bypass Jacob's Tulips, from the Present-Day Gardening series (1912), a work loved by generations of tulip growers, and also Dykes' The Genus Iris (1913) and also John Weathers' The Bulb Book (1911), another work much used by earlier generations of amateur bulb growers. There exists a handsome illustration of Lilium speciosum attributed to German-American artist Joseph Prestele (1796-1867) held by the Rush Rhees Library, University of Rochester. Jim McKenney Montgomery County Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where I can't imagine the gardening life led without books.