Please note that this splendid cultivar of Crocus sieberi is called 'Hubert Edelsten' not Edelstein. Hubert Edelsten was a neighbour of E.A.Bowles, who enthused him into Crocus breeding. Somewhere in his writings Bowles tells how Edelsten would grow his crocuses in pots and bring them indoors to pollinate in the evening after he came home from work. (He was Keeper of British Lepidoptera at the Natural History Museum.) Crocus sieberi 'Hubert Edelsten' was given a First Clas Certificate by the Royal Horticultural Society in 1924, so it is now a venerable plant. I find it robust but slow to increase, but perhaps I should 'work' it a bit more. John Grimshaw Dr John M. Grimshaw Garden Manager, Colesbourne Gardens Sycamore Cottage Colesbourne Nr Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL53 9NP Website: >