Strumaria tenella

Robert Hamilton
Sun, 20 Mar 2005 02:14:04 PST
Hi  all,

Mary  Sue  has kindly  created a  Strumaria page  and  uploaded some 
images of  the  amaryllid Strumaria tenella var orientalis to the  

This  subspecies  is  from the  Free State , a  summer  rainfall area.  
It  is  differentiated from the  Western Cape   var  tenella  by its  
earlier flowering  habit and  dome shaped  style. Strumaria tenella  is 
  the only member of its  genus  which has leaves and flowers 

Seed of this  species  was  sown in June  2003  and it is flowering at 
present. It has  retained its  filiform leaves since  germination and  
is  growing in a  15cm  pot under shadecloth. I have watered it 
occasionally through the  past  two  summers  and it gets  all our 
rainfall ( average is about  27 inches  pa).


Rob in Tasmania

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