Hi Gang, Tulipa clusiana var. chrysantha is one of the small tulips that does well here in Houston, in a pot. I tried out several species 2-3 years ago, and T. clusiana var. chrysantha is the only one that came back. I have 'Tubergens Gem' but I'll have to try other colors/types because it has done so well here. I planted the bulbs in a 10-inch clay pot, with good drainage in soil that had lots of humus. They performed well the first year and I put the pot aside and eventually the leaves died back. I didn't think much about the pot and left it outside in truly awful conditions--rain and hot sun were on it year round, humidity was high for months on end and I didn't even fertilize the pot (maybe I did once while the bulbs were still in leaf). The low was 25 F for that first winter and I doubt that the tulips experienced that in their location--perhaps 28 F or even 30F. The soil in the pot surely approach 90 F on many occasions and may have even gotten to 95 F on hot August days. The bulbs surprised me when they popped up again the next year--I had forgotten them and even forgotten what they were (thank goodness for name tags). They put out a good bloom and in the second year I made sure to fertilize them several times with dilute fertilizer with trace elements (not much nitrogen). They died down again and I decided to give them a break. I left them in the elements but put the pot under a small azalea so it wouldn't bake quite so hot. The plants are up again, and have increased n numbers and should bloom soon. I'm going to try a few other colors of T. clusiana var. chrysantha. Does this bulb come in pink or white, how about yellow? Cordially, Conroe Joe Heavy rain and lightning for the past 2 days. More predicted for tonight. It reminds me of what I used to call "tornado weather" in Alabama.