I grow many cyclamen species and at one time or another have grown every species except C. somalense. Many of them thrive with very little care in our climate, e.g. Cycleman hederifolium, C. coum, C. repandum, C. libanoticum, and C. pseudibericum. Even some rather tenderish species do pretty well. Cyclamen purpurascens has, however, proved to be very difficult in this climate. I have read postings from Chicago-area pbs-listers describing how well it grows there and been very jealous. A year or two ago I got some C.p. seedlings going for the Nth time, but when it came time to plant them out, I got smart and put them on the north side of the house, in a spot heavily shaded by other plants. This is in one of the few beds I give regular summer water. [Irregular or sporadic would be a more accurate description of my watering habits.] Lo and behold! this year I have flowers on my C.p. Good heavens! Will wonders never cease? -- Rodger Whitlock Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Maritime Zone 8, a cool Mediterranean climate on beautiful Vancouver Island