Since it's been such a wonderful year for wildflowers, perhaps some of you (particularly the Californians) have seen populations of Streptanthus and Caulanthus (family: Brassicaceae). I was excited to see the Death Valley photos. The Streptanthoid group is the subject of my PhD work at Texas A&M. We made a collecting trip to the Figueroa Mountain area of the San Padres National Forest for Caulanthus amplexicaulis var. barbarae. No whole plant collecting, only 2 mm samples of cauline leaves, I promise. If you have seen any members of this incredibly special group, especially those that grow in serpentine environments (low N, Ca and high Mg, Ni and other nasty heavy metals), I would appreciate it if you would email me with locations. We are interested in conservation and also studying adaption to plant-hostile environments. Sincerely, Millie Burrell Millie Burrell Graduate Student Department of Biology Texas A&M University Norman Borlaug Center MS 2123 College Station, TX 77843-2123 (979) 845-2683