After an early- and mid-December which were atypically cold, we're having a bit of spring now. And there are some plants which are taking advantage of the mild weather. Out in the garden, Crocus nudiflorus is trying to bloom again. Near a sheltered wall, Crocus hermoneus, C. goulimyi, C. longiflorus, C. ochroleucus, C. biflorus melantherus and Colchicum kesselringii are all in advanced bud and waiting for the sun to come out. In a cold frame, Sternbergia lutea small form and Sternbergia sicula graeca have been in bloom for the last month. The flowers last and last. Oddly, neither Crocus imperati nor C. laevigatus has buds up. Those of you who know Jane McGary's lists will recognize these names. Jim McKenney Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where winter has yet to take a deep bite.