Hi there everyone, Following the recent discussions on Bomarea, I have added a further four pictures of ones that I grow to the WIKI at http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/… I have added a further photograph of each of B. caldasii and B. salsilla: nothing very exciting about either of them, though they vary a little from the existing photos. I have also added a photo of a species not previously included, B. hirtella, which is one of the shorter and somewhat slighter species, though very pretty and flowering in mid-summer for me. Finally, I have added one that I am a little confused about. I know it as B. kalbreyeri, which I have read elsewhere is a synonym for B. caldasii. However, that doesn't seem right to me, so if anybody has a better name I'd be pleased to know it. Its a strong growing, twining type, growing to around 3 metres. It flowers around this time of the year. Happy holidays! Best regards, David Victor